jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018


LOCATION: The Theater of Pompey in Rome

PERPETRATORS: Cassius, Brutus and a group of 60 other Roman senators

ANTECEDENTS: The expansion of the Roman Republic had generated huge wealth. Caesar appears to have judged that he could restore his family's wealth by entering the political arena.
After the conquest of Gaul in 51 BCE, Caesar became the governor of the three Roman provinces to the north of Italia, thus oiwer base was considered a threat by a group of senator known as the Optimates. Pompeius Magnus agreed with the Optimates.
By the time, March, 45 BCE, Caesar was well established as the most powerful man in Rome.
The senators resolved to act before Caesar left Rome toward a military campaign. It is thought that as many as 60 senators were involved.
As Caesar arrived to the meeting hall a crowd of senators gathered around him to present him a petition. While Caesar was dealing with the petitioner, one of the senators struck Caesar from behind
Image result for caesar's death
OUTCOME: In his will, Caesar named his 18-year-old great-nephew Gaius Octavian as his heir. At first Antony, Octavian and other close associates of Caesar came together to fight a civil war against the forces loyal to Cassius, Brutus and other Liberators.

Once those forces were defeated, fighting continued between the former members of the alliance in a series of encounters. Octavian finally defeated Antony, opening up the way for him to become the sole ruler. The assassination of Julius Caesar had exactly the opposite to what had been intended by the assassins.

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